You might remember the scene from "High Anxiety" when Harvey Corman rushes to the breakfast table, swashes his napkin like a matador's cape, hoists his spoon for the culinary assault, then discovers to his horror that there's NO FRUIT CUP! in it's familiar place on the plate. Cloris Leachman's nurse Diesel acidly explains-"those who are TaaaRRRRdy don't get fruit cup!!" LGF has used the comment several times.
It's heartening, sometimes comical-but sad really; this rapidly accelerating meltdown of the Democratic Party (the toes are in their final convulsive rollup and slowly disappearing beneath the house).
I say heartening because I'm convinced that the current leadership, its acolytes and icons will need to be thoroughly exorcised if the party is ever going to return to its roots as even a minimally acceptable representative of heartland thought, values and policy in the country.
In short, my liberal friends-dump the Moonbats now if you ever hope to get fruit cup again!
Just what IS the leadership of the Democratic Party today anyway?
Albert Gore, Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt and Joe Lieberman have all been pushed or voted to the sidelines-some for better reasons than others. Terry McAuliffe is thankfully gone-riding his faithful donkey "Ludicrous Hyperbole" off into the Democrats' crimson stained and rapidly sinking political sunset.
Chronic losers and memed-out word jockeys like Bob Shrum, Mary Beth Cahill, Paul Begala and James Carville are standing in the hook up line to be parachuted to political oblivion as well.
People like Michael Moore, Dennis Kucinich, Whoopi Goldberg ,Barbra Streisand and George Soros have been so thoroughly repudiated that even the moonbats don't bother to listen to them any more( No, fine, Babs-your money's really appreciated. Just, er, meet me under the bridge-OK?).
In their place(I'm sorry you'll have to excuse me for a minute while I cachinnate at the thought)Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?!! When coupled with their Eyore brethren Ted Kennedy and John Kerry
this chronically sullen group makes the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse look like little Mary Sunshines.
The only creditable presidential aspirants at this point appear to be Hillary Clinton and perhaps Wesley "Argyle" Clark unless the Democrats see something in Evan Bayh, Al Sharpton and Barbara Boxer that not a single other soul in the country does( which means of course that the moonbats undoubtedly do).
Dean will breathe some life and perhaps even some common and political sense into the party's voter outreach program. And if he's successful in 2006 he'll likely use that success as a springboard to
a candidacy of his own. In that case, and assuming that the newly rennovated Hillary does indeed run, it could be an interesting primary to say the least.
Dean's baggage of course is his up-east liberal persona and his tourettes-like, loose cannon mouth. He's a veritable sound bite gatling gun and the media types love him for it.
On the other hand, I'm sure you've noticed Hillary carefully wriggling into her brand new store bought centrist jeans. She seems to be the only Democrat that has actually begun to "get it"--the heart beat of the country and some reasonably solid political advice, that is.
On the Republican side of things Bush's audacious new initiative on Social Security could easily result in a new genre of budding capitalists withdrawn from the normally reliable Democrat bank of minorities, teachers, check out clerks and union members. People who watch their stock portfolios and Lou Dobbs more closely than feckless follies such as Michael Moore's execrable crank outs tend to vote Republican.
Finally, I'm not sure just how the Democrats plan to salve the wounds of the ethic groups they continue to offend with their venomous and silly personal attacks on respected minorities such as Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales. Clearly Barack Obama won't be ready for a vice presidential bid. And just as clearly, Condoleeza Rice will. Can the Democrats really afford to lose another 10% of the black vote?
All in all 2008 looks like yet another "fruit cupless" election year for the Democrats.
Go easy on the hash browns, buddy...
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
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Liberal Avenger,
Have you *ever* considered the possibility that there is more than one or two or even three ways to be different from the GOP without going the "OMG,Bush=Hitler,it's all a Zionist Conspiracy, America deserved 9/11, Chomsky rulz!,Iraq=Vietnam because we say so and democracy is bad because people might vote in ways we don't like, Clinton/Dean/Kerry is a deity incarnate and all who question him/her/it at teh slime!" route? o_O
Just a thought! ^_~
You ever notice how so few people ever comment on your blog as compared to the more liberal blogs? Doesn't it get kinda lonely?
Not really, nonny. In fact I hardly ever comment myself. Once I get it off my chest, I'm pretty much done with. Cathartic...
This isn't getting any funnier with age, BRT.
Are you like saying that the Dem's are all moonbats or just the outer fringes?
Yes, the dem's have their Moore's and Streisands, but the pugs, have their Silverman's and, well there must be at least one more resident of starcity that supports the right. I just can't think of another one right now. One is as bad as the other.
I think what's happening is a case of party loyalty versus individual fortitude. In reverse. The vast majority of republicans will continue to vote republican even when the party strays from their core beliefs. On the other hand, democrats tend to be more like independents and will vote their personal beliefs over that of the party. So while one can't call them sheep, one won't be calling them winners again anytime soon. It's going to be extremely difficult to find a candidate that both the middle of the road, hardworking, Christian, and the over-the-top radically liberal, will both embrace.
In finishing I will say, it's a darn shame Schwarzenegger dresses to the right!
About this word "moonbat:
"Bat", of course, refers to members of the order chiroptera (with some contending that the "megachiroptera" of South America should be classified as primates), strange and wonderful animals which are beneficial to humanity. Intelligent, well-educated liberals recognize bats as an asset, and seek to encourage them through environmental protection, including the building of bathouses on the outsides of their homes. The ignorant and superstitious hate and fear bats, and can think of no worse insult than to compare people they also hate and fear (out of ignorance) to bats.
"Moon" refers to Earth's primary natural sattelite, which humans visited for a brief period thanks to a massive liberal spending program. The scientific and technological benefits of the Apollo Project were immense, and would have been far greater if the program had not been killed by a right-wing administration that wanted to spend that money on a futile foreign war. Thus, the Moon is, like bats, symbolic of liberalism and all the benefits it brings to a culture, and naturally will be an object of hatred and fear to the Right.
Combine the two and you get "Moonbat"; environmental good sense, scientific curiosity, prosperity for all and the triumph of knowledge over traditional superstition. In short, all the things that enemies of civilization like Osama bin Laden and Pat Robertson hate most.
I'm really glad I found your site via The Liberal Avenger. I'm on the other side of the aisle (so to speak), but have appreciated a very lively debate with him.
I intend to link to you and post some thoughts later this evening.
Don't lose heart; moonbattery must eventually succumb to its own asshattery.
I linked to your post at No Fruit Cup for You!.
Thanks for your service to your party; I'm sure there are still some listening.
I'm a right leaning centerist from Illinois.
Obama will not do well on the national scene. Too much communism in his resume.
The Dems main hope is that the Rs keep pushing "we are the party of Jesus" bit. I mean look how well it has worked for the party in Illinois and California.
BTW I voted Bush/Obama as many of my compatriots in Illinois did.
Another glaring Republican weaknes is drug prohibition. Especially med pot. I'm surprised the Ds are not pushing that one harder. In Montana med pot is more popular than Bush.
Neither side has absorbed the lessons of the last election.
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M.A., you gotta put me--Republicus--in your sane and rational snake-handling Americans column.
You're faved. I'll be back.
Oops. sorry. ^that's me
M.A., you GOTTA come to my blog!
I'm being stalked by a Moonbat Par Excellence! ("Jeff")
BTR, Looks like you've been spammed, bigtime! Unfortunately blogspots "comment blocker" tends to slow down your comment traffic.
I'm working on a comment program that I can attach to my template. If it works I'll pass it on.
Great Post!
BTR, I'm not spam. I'm a fellow blogger.
Intersting examples you cite for such "losers" -A Nobel Prize Winner, a Phillanthropist, bestselling authors, and popularly re-elected legislators.
Perhaps we should include "winners" like Bob Ney, Richard Scaife, Tom Delay, James Sensenbrenner, Jean Schmidt, Denny Hastert and a personal favorite- Rick Santorum.
I'm sure their merits withstand the same level of scrutiny you so capably dispense on your enemies, right?
A fight isn't fun when it isn't fixed -right, candyass?
BRT a quick personal note to thank you for your donation to Allan Enwiya's widow. I'll reiterate my recommendation in the comments at LA of Steve Vincent's book, incidentally if you have not already done so you might like to toddle along back to Fayrouz's blog and read the interview with his widow.
It is a pleasure to read some of your archives or posts... This fabulous blog has some valuable information that you must have spend some time in creating...
I hope you keep adding relative content and other useful information...
Good Luck,
fabulous blog
Where you at, BRT?
Come on! Give us a post!
I wish to thank you for your genuine twilight years considered invaluable efforts of past year 2006 and this year 2006 to try to explain to the Dems on Liberal Avenger, the meaning of 'sacrifice sanity for consistency'.
Whoever finds a way to explain to the Dem leaning folks at Liberal Avenger, the concept of 'sacrifice sanity for consistency' will let the other know.... :-))))))
I wish to thank you for your genuine twilight years considered invaluable efforts of past year 2005 and this year 2006 to try to explain to the Dems on Liberal Avenger, the meaning of 'sacrifice sanity for consistency'.
Whoever finds a way to explain to the Dem leaning folks at Liberal Avenger, the concept of 'sacrifice sanity for consistency' will let the other know.... :-))))))
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BRT, man it's tough to be you. I'm just speechless...
Go Vanderbilt!
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